Social Engineering

Discover The Value Of Social Engineering

Social Engineering

Social Engineering uses psychological manipulation to trick users into making security mistakes or giving away sensitive information. Darkanon provides structured Social Engineering services mainly Spear Phishing Campaign. Phishing is the act of sending malicious emails to a target. Usually, attackers accomplish this under the guise of a credible individual or organization.

The attacker may go to great lengths to establish some degree of credibility and then prompt the target to surrender personal information such as passwords or PIN numbers.

Our Social Engineering Methodology

  • Reconnaissance and Information Gathering

The effectiveness of the remaining steps of the phishing assessment is frequently determined by the information gathering stage, which is a crucial one in social engineering. Our security specialists do in-depth research on the target company using a “black box” strategy.

  • Create Breached Scenarios

The attention shifts to creating the payload once we have completely enumerated the target. Among these details are the departments, user roles, and related pretext scenarios. These specifics guarantee complete user research for the most effective, focused engagements.

  • Victimizing the Targets​

Security experts at Darkanon use phishing emails to interact with employees using carefully planned strategies and pretext. These emails frequently invite user interaction by asking them to open a link or download a dangerous file. The emails and ensuing landing pages are designed to look genuine and frequently replicate other websites and services.

  • Reporting and Educating the Audience

A final report is presented that includes both an executive summary and detailed information once the campaign has been completed and the results have been compiled. The report also provides remedial strategies, documentation of successful phishing attempts, and a complete breakdown of risk. In order to assist the customer in resolving the identified training and policy concerns, training guides are also made available.

Hundreds of companies are already using Darkanon Social Engineering Methodology to plan their IT security.

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